Be a Leader In Our Community




Desired Skills and Competencies:

  • Understanding of and commitment to the land preservation model.
  • Commitment to a collective decision-making process.
  • Respect for differing opinions.
  • Commitment to active participation in events, meetings and committees.
  • Willingness to network and fundraise for the organization.

The Board of Directors’ responsibilities include:

Organizational Governance.

Helping to set the policies and direction of the organization while playing a strong leadership role in focusing and promoting the Alaska Farmland Trust mission.

Oversight of the organization’s financial affairs.

Staying up-to-date with the budget and the fiscal condition of the organization, planning for adequate funding of the budget, and participating in special events and fundraising efforts. (Staff is responsible for grant writing and the coordination of fundraising efforts.)

Support the Executive Director.

The board shall be responsible for ensuring that the executive director is well supported with the resources s/he needs to maintain a healthy and sustainable organization. In addition, the board hires and evaluates the executive director. Each board member agrees to actively serve on at least one committee. Be available for phone, e-mail (not required) and face- to-face consultation with staff, board and donors.

Ensure fiscal and legal responsibility.

The board maintains oversight for the legal and fiscal activities of the organization.

Nurturing the development of active supporters.

The board will work to support existing and recruit new supporters for the organization.

Public Representation.

Explaining the work we do, representing us in your regular interactions in your neighborhood and work life, and at specific events public forums and outreach activities throughout the year.

The Alaska Farmland Trust envisions a future with thriving local food markets that will give Alaskans access to fresh, healthy food, and keep our farmers farming.